Thy Bargains

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #200

Published on November 28, 2021

Thy Bargains

Thy Bargains

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #200

How quaint are Thy bargains with me,
An unequal commerce Thou dost conduct,
Bartering my littleness proffered to Thee
With priceless measures of Thine exact.

A mind like an artisan’s weighing thought
For ideal and force carefully precise,
Braiding my acts like a jeweller his craft,
Granted in lieu of my erring penance.

And the heart, oh the heart that can feel
A greater spectrum of passion and love,
Magnificent and pure as a rose surreal
In an unlikely space of my unkept grove.

Yet it is only by Thy unthinking bargain
Earth nature attain Thee O my Master divine!