Alchemist of Wonder

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #189

Published on November 17, 2021

Alchemist of Wonder

Alchemist of Wonder

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #189

How careless art Thou with Thy glories,
A hundred hued brilliance on a wing-span
And a graded radiance on feathers,
As if restraint is a trait hardly known!

In every sound I hear Thy sublime anthem
Issue from every lip and throbbing heart,
A chorus of Gandharvas swells to a brim
And spills everywhere to being’s extent.

I midwife the slow birth of Thy beauty 
From all these scattered approximations.
How do these broken parts of me
Turn instruments of Thy harmonies?

O Alchemist of wonder teach ever to me
All the arcana of Thy beauteous artistry!