To Thee
Published on November 14, 2021
To Thee
Poem — An Invocation to The Master #186
How many falls have earned the attained height,
How many stoopings to raise the stature,
How many vices for a little virtue spent,
Oh I lose track of toils for the soul to appear!
How many passions to purify the heart,
How many lusts to settle the eager nerves,
How many ambitions for the ego to eat,
Oh such a grim reading is my list of deeds!
I call him charlatan who abruptly is changed,
Who claims far heavens arrived in a moment
And struts with his halo as if all is accomplished,
Oh vain fool, is thy heaven only a trinket?!
But I, whether in dim abyss or fiery height,
Have seen Thy aim unfold endlessly,
Hence must my labour be commensurate
To the extent of Thy vast infinity.
This my account of the day that passed,
Submitted to Thee O my Yoga’s Lord.