Thy Argument

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #168

Published on October 27, 2021

Thy Argument

Thy Argument

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #168

A fine hypothesis made I, a subtle device
 To frame my nuanced argument’s tower,
 Each rung would group neat abstractions
 And bridged by a syllogism’s ladder.

Windows there were to offer perspective,
Carved on walls bounding each idea’s hall;
Towers that watch for assumptions naive 
And crafty doors that lies doth stall!

How profound was this construction mine,
A jewel of thought the mind conceived
For august occasion of our argumentation,
Minutely prepared and richly augmented.

But Thy argument was to sting me as an angry wasp,
I now see how nuance and subtlety eludes Thy grasp!!