Thou Knowest

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #156

Published on October 15, 2021

Thou Knowest

Thou Knowest

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #156

Am I Thy priest of twilight betwixt day and night,
Officiant to the grey ambiguous passages,
Mine the unarticulated call and the obscure rite,
Or only a channel of all that restless roams?

Am I Thy scout to the untrodden realms,
Bidden to ferret every incoherence inherent
And tabulate them for Thy interference,
This the sole charter my soul to labour at?

Am I Thy seer rendered deliberately blind
To gauge soul vigour against all ignorance,
Or the heart to beat with no music heard
As once the stars glowed alone in space?

If these and more or none is in my purport
Only Thou knowest O Sire, only Thou knowest.