A Leaf

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #154

Published on October 13, 2021

A Leaf

A Leaf

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #154

What will have I who am but a leaf
Clinging to His arm shaped as branch,
His light I drink to sustain my life
His breath ever serenades me much.

I am the tendril defiant upon the stalk
Erecting the green banner of victory,
I am life’s graffiti against past’s bark
Exceeding her endurance by beauty.

I flourish and wither through the weather,
In green and yellow and brown my seasons,
Ere long I shall to earth fall and wander
A soul on its quest through many climes.

As seed or leaf or tree be my story,
In all is the expression of Thy divinity.