Thy Arrival

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #144

Published on October 2, 2021

Thy Arrival

Thy Arrival

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #144

The ruddy faced dusk has long gone
And night wrests for itself remnant light,
Only a clutch of stars defiant remain 
Spilling pin sized hope to my sight.

The airs have all halted for a silence
That now steals upon beast and man,
In throbbing hearts come a wariness
Ruing alongside the pensive moon.

A black hand is upon the coel’s throat
Stifling its song from taking birth,
A cold muse now holds firm this fort,
Our sole refuge that we call earth.

To all directions I send emissary call,
Carrying my pleas for Thy arrival.