
Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #133

Published on September 19, 2021



Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #133

Oh, many are the cares infesting Thy world,
Bodies needing nurture and minds gone astray,
The vital like a delinquent always dismayed
And the hearts given to passion’s play.

Like living sphinxes these are, always querying
In cryptic speech and gesture for an answer,
But no response is ever deemed satisfying
For the soul within sulks back to slumber.

Oh, I battled these on the fresh field of day,
Woke my heart to resolve, the mind prepared,
Donned my will and poise to the bitter fray
And fought with intent to Thee aligned.

Think not my loyalty to another is turned,
Thee I have adored, so it shall be till the end.