When All Is Said

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #126

Published on September 12, 2021

When All Is Said

When All Is Said

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #126

Am I ripe yet, body a richly tangled vine
Climbing assiduously from soil by clinging branch,
Clusters of becoming heavily dangling on
Stems of will and intent real to the touch?

The reckless ardour I have now subdued,
Retracted the vainglorious ceremonies many,
To an even stirless flame have induced
The belligerent heart of many an infamy.

I am cause no more to sully Thy name,
Thy brow shall raise no more in disapproval,
For all in me is lit by borrowed flame
Received from Thee in this life interval.

How long wilt Thou deny me a station,
For when all is said I remain, though vagrant, Thy son!