Thy Works

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #114

Published on August 31, 2021

Thy Works

Thy Works

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #114

Oh pause these lashes marking a woe score,
Whence these malignant wills like a procession 
That trample heart and nerve with vile fear,
Raining apparitions of calamity and ruin.

What infests this accursed sheath of matter,
So pliantly obedient and so flexibly stable
Yet by some lack buckles to a feeble sliver
Of ill will issuing from a falsehood typal.

Dispatch Thy curative will-force here below,
Fortify matter with Thy immutable peace,
Within its spaces let Thy harmony flow,
May all beings aspire to Thy heights.

Thou art the One, from whom we assiduously seek
Strength to carry Thy works in our members weak.