Thy Dealings

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #102

Published on August 17, 2021

Thy Dealings

Thy Dealings

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #102

Hast Thou made me Thy plumb to gauge
The absymal depths of the human range,
Or the breadths of incongruity measure
With my being for scales of despair?

How quaint are Thy uses of this being,
Like a cauldron to blend ingredients 
Too fiery and unfit for mortal keeping
To weigh limits of human experience.

What clause have I to halt Thy hand
That hath made me for Thy sole use,
From bawling start to ripe musing end
Thy mode of possession I’ll not refuse.

Only endow ever-awake eyes to see
Thee in all Thy dealings with me.