Now And Hereafter

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #48

Published on June 23, 2021

Now And Hereafter

Now And Hereafter

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #48

How many fires my mind has lit,
Vacillations endured by will and grit?
How many have flamed and passed,
These milestones on a human road?

The fires I eschewed, fires I adored,
Have all with my being conspired
For ill or good, for fall or rise,
All to grasp at some shadow prize.

But Thou my flame are of another kind,
Dazzling my breath and bone and mind,
Forever still, unperturbed by Time,
Anchored beyond Space, divinely solemn.

What words could I proffer to Thy fire
That leads all of now and the hereafter!