Thy Luminescence

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #32

Published on June 5, 2021

Thy Luminescence

Thy Luminescence

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #32

How many kindly hands hast Thou deployed
That with skilful means coursed Thy force,
With what caring gaze Thou hast looked
At this predicament of our earthly ways.

How many faces of empathy Thou didst assume
Assuaging my brows with Thy word of hope,
From so many hearts didst Thou blaze
To light the passages reluctant to ope.

Thou wert the mast steady through the storm,
Manoeuvring to safety my battered ship.
Through the narrow pathway away from harm
I have sailed, always exceeding shadow’s grip.

Too great art Thou, O far unknowable magnificence,
Envelope me as always in Thy luminescence.