What Price May Sway
Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #17
Published on May 19, 2021

What Price May Sway
Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #17
I have sailed the zephyr-seas upon butterfly wings,
Mused alone on sky-peaks by an eagle’s sight.
I have perched on tree-tops for the coel’s songs.
But none quenching waters to my ardours brought.
My ambitions wide I fuelled with my dreams,
Farmed coy glances in a long amorous hour,
My exultations could pitch voice against storms,
My feelings matched tenderness with a flower.
A hundred Helens cannot my passion dim,
A fistful of ardour suffices to power my wars,
To the battling steel I lend my will as home,
Yet all these annul not my anguishes.
Oh what price may sway Thy imperial will,
All these I shall barter, even pawn my soul!
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