Who Stands There?

Poem — An Invocation to The Master #9

Published on May 6, 2021

Who Stands There?

Who Stands There?

Poem — An Invocation to The Master #9

The walls are scaled, the gates are breached,
The ever seeing sentinel eyes are deceived,
Through guards of reason has slipped by
This conqueror from the azure on high.

Sturdy were the ramparts of my deeds,
The moat of caution none could overpass,
The high halls of thought and musing’s chamber
Were ever safe from such a danger.

Plundered are the vaults of my feeling,
Desecrated all the fine canvas of dreaming.
A single name’s graffiti in a dye of blue
Scribbled on my walls is the only clue.

Ah, what sound is that of approaching feet
That on heart chamber does knocking greet?
“Who stands there?”, asked I with a sigh.
“The One everywhere”, He replied, “It is I, it is I”.

I flung open the doors of my heart ajar
And found my Beloved from far yonder star. 
A happy ending hath my violent tale,
Am a sworn captive in my Beloved’s spell.