
Poem — An Invocation to The Mother #12

Published on April 21, 2021



Poem — An Invocation to The Mother #12

A fruit, a flower, a leaf,
Offered true relieves from all grief.

A chant, a thought, a will,
Submitted pure brings Me nearer still.

An intent, a passion, an act,
Bounded as one ferries it to My feet.

A prayer, an askesis, a gesture,
Undesired issuing dispatches fulfilling power.

A mind, a life, a body,
Find in Me their completer story.

A moment, an hour, an age,
Unfettered transforms the human to a sage.

In tavern, in hearth, in battle,
Forged the resolve of thy will’s mettle.

A pang, an ache, a sorrow,
Seeded the dawns of thy tomorrow.

All these thou must in action prove,
Enchanted by the Sun solely true.

Trust to me and I shall prepare
Thee for the Master who lords everywhere.