The Seer’s Story


Published on January 31, 2021

The Seer’s Story

The Seer’s Story


What business occupies the Seer I have wondered,
Perched precariously upon white snows of silence,
What preoccupation busies his mind all unbounded
Risen far upon thought to the borders of prescience.

No care can wing to that stark rarefied height,
No need can presume to gain an easy entrance
To him beyond sense and mind’s straightjacket,
Now headed to subtle spaces on flights of trance.

His gaze is wider than the beach shore’s horizon,
His mind has outstepped the bounds of hemisphere,
His heart’s depths unmeasured by units of ocean,
His will equipoised in silence for his soul to steer.

Untold his epic too subtle for a small human page,
For too abysmal dangers crowd his every hour,
A pack of woes hound his moments for their wage
And his heart bear burden of every human tear.

The world and life crowd near him like children,
Deplorable, piteous and plagued by every fear,
He stoops to their depths from heights empyrean
And appoints his will for their soul to deliver.

The Seer’s story can never be fully told,
Only an outline surmise from His initiates bold.