I Have
Published on January 14, 2021

I Have
The clays I have shaped in human days,
Burnished in blazing kiln many a form
For a colloquy with Thee above our norm
But ever Thou receivest us with a silence.
The quills I have wielded over the ages
Inking in each epoch many an ode,
To trace in words Thy coming’s road,
Oh how my fingers quiver with remembrance.
The spears I have flung afar for Thee,
My ire raged like a quenchless forest-flame
Upon those who besmirched Thy name,
I surged upon all like a vehement sea.
The quests I have ventured with paltry feet
Upon lone cold shores and deep silent valleys,
Thinking and intuiting the key to Thy secrecies,
Never these limbs sought an unearned rest.
The seeds I have sown by thought and will
Tilling harsh soil of time with unflagging nerve
To build for Thy habitation a verdant grove,
Each bloomless bud waiting for Thee still.
I have donned all Thy appointed roles;
I have slain and fallen, built and destroyed,
I have conceived and torn, knew and wondered,
All for Thy purpose O Muse of the worlds.