A Bargain


Published on November 23, 2020

A Bargain

A Bargain


Is this all, all the extent of the human
Limit, a petty hamlet and pettier inhabitants,
Shaped by miserly limits of Thy endless extents,
Senses a mere five and mind like a simian!

What purpose eyes that only matter see,
When Thou art present minutely in all?
What purpose ears that hear coarse call,
When Thou breathest in every voice luminously?

Laboured Thou in ages to gain this mind,
Like some unhinged hound chasing its tail,
All its eager pursuit that must tiring fail?
Surely Thou must envision a better kind!

Such meagre worship I produce for Thee,
Some feeble gestures, some incantations,
When in truth I must exceed my limitations
Thou in irony grants this mind for me!

But then Thou wert not so miserly always,
To Prahalada, Dhruva Thou didst grant,
What Meera and Chaitanya did chant,
A full voiced devotion by Thy sublime grace.

Hear Thou mine fervent plea now at least,
The cycles of Time only move forward
Thy amends must perforce be made,
Hence Thine fine infinity do not waste.

Only a handful of suns I do humbly ask 
To light up chambers of body, life, mind.
Still Thy infinity will not dim a shade,
Ever a splendid bargain for Thee I make.