That Truly Lives
Published on October 22, 2020

That Truly Lives
Am grown to a resemblance of many faces,
Visages of yore whispering through the ages,
Mighty thoughts, grandiose ideals echo in me
Their lights burning across annals of history.
Their old sturdy passions, honour wreathed thoughts,
Elegance of limbs wrought by the sun and the waters,
Hearts like a colonnade for the gods and supple nerve
To ferry hot blood to brain for thoughts that are true.
And such minds that could workings of god intuit,
Human, yet by their humanness not at all limited.
An younger age, yet wise and mighty in its youth
Than this old haggard void of hope and living truth.
Not all that is ancient is venerable, not all old true,
Only that truly lives which holds the Eternal to view.
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