

Published on September 6, 2020




First the Allurer took hold by scattered beauty,
Luring with charms but bound me in incapacity.
Life like a wandering prison gazing at freedom
That roamed freely and taunted in happy abandon.

Then the Baffler cast His brilliant net of words,
I am caught and dazed by the scintillation of His ideals.
Tossed like a plaything of gods I plumbed and soared
At every peak won by panting yet another to be conquered.

Then Her, Nourisher, took my ragged distraught form,
Bathed me in force-waters, filled consciousness-milk to brim.
Am coached in equality by a spectrum of Her extremities
Every hour I exceed by Her my profusion of inabilities.

I am but an arrowhead shaped by this Triumvirate,
I only whizz and hit wherever They aim me at.