A Flower of the Superconscient.


Published on August 23, 2020

A Flower of the Superconscient.

A Flower of the Superconscient.


An evolving equation of Nature’s front
A window to the Vast within and without, 
Body a home to the mighty Spirit.
A triple gate tightly binds our self
To mundane everyday act and sense.
Rooted beneath and topped by a thinking crown,
Captain of a living vessel sailing in time.
A segmented staff binds our frame
A supple tunnel for the occult serpent
Secret pathway for the descending light.
Slithering crawl ambushed by light
A divine melee in our frigid spine.
Entwined are the snake and light
Coiled the grim night and a luminous day
A shrinking shade and imposing light
Time and the Timeless by turns tug
Knead our mortal make to a divine frame
Crafted of lucent light the high Spirit’s home.
A seeing and living crystal the new body.
A shining transmitter of God’s word
Cavorts with the all-knowing gods
A truer speech and a mystic voice
Shall bind us to the Immortal’s spell.