

Published on August 17, 2020




A tiny quest of curiosity I housed
Once long ago in youth confused.
The magic fire grew out of my sight,
Now it fills my mind with some light.

I sought its source, the origin home,
On this quest far and wide did I roam.
Cities of men and secluded temples,
Men of worldly vice and religious peoples.

None knew the source of my light
Blinded by world to their inner sight.
Then I caught Him by a swift look
Grinning from an old familiar book.

His eyes were mirthful at my plight,
I thought all of me is pittance to His sight.
But He laughed louder, saying, ‘Fool, fool,
You hunt in circuits of Time for a rule,

‘Seek the source of My many marvels,
Or hunt the fount from where all issues.
Of all shapes am I the guiding Symbol,
Of all symbols am I the shining Ideal.

‘I am the Seedless and Causeless
Hence thou seekest fruitless and aimless.
Flail not and turn humble within
Of my dealings to thee don’t question.

‘Empty thyself of all thy conjectures,
Be only pliant to My guiding force. 
Then thou wilt learn a little of Me,
For in every moment I commence an eternity.’