Slowly, Slowly


Published on August 9, 2020

Slowly, Slowly

Slowly, Slowly


Slowly, slowly comest Thou spirit of Delight,
In Thy web of wonder ensnared me alive
Am yet by joy alarmed to this surprise,
In my embodiment thou doth descend bright.

Slowly, slowly comest Thy sweet succour,
Filling my gulfs emptied of instincts.
Thy force exiles all time-born habits,
Am new born in each moment’s fervour.

Slowly, slowly comest Thou bright radiance,
Sundering all knots, illumining my mind,
All dross of knowledge has left I find,
Now is present Thy knowing prescience.

Slowly, slowly comest Thou puissance, of nerve
And bone fortified with heaven’s thunderbolt,
All convention of being comes to a halt,
Am upheld only by Thy miraculous force.

Slowly, slowly comest Thy transmuting presence,
I grow another and Thou becomest me,
Through what road or end I can’t yet see,
Yet I know by Thy ways is divine deliverence.

Slowly, slowly I submit all my volition,
To Thee, the lord and master I adore,
Only vouchsafe spot at Thy feet evermore,
And I shall venture through all Thou doth envision.