
Published on July 31, 2020




A marvellous steep incline sky grazing,
Lone spire outstepping giant mountains,
Like a single bull amidst an elephant herd,
A proud defiant silence amidst brooding mountains,
Daring the living valleys to ascend to it,
Offering unseen mystery in lieu of real danger;
The fatal slope, crag’s dagger, swift precipice,
The toll booths of danger with fee of tears;
Through unpeopled mountain pass and forrest thickets,
The lone pilgrim must wade, a pale flame barely seen,
A single glimmer set through inhospitable terrain;
The goal fades in mist and blinded eyes, gasping
Precious air of hope, wringing life for each step,
Barely knowing the why or whereof of the effort,
Only a brute insistence to reach that heaven terrain.