Published on October 13, 2020

Oh what a mighty orbit wields the ‘I’,
A little delusion bending earth and sky!
What immense perturbations in its pittance,
Packing its meagre hours with every grievance.
A toddler it is bare clothed, always helpless,
Struts in haughty steps by Nature’s largess.
The tiny sun of ‘I’ it bears like a crown,
Striving with its flicker for some renown.
But when Yoga’s doors swing wide open
Its little cherished illusions are all broken.
The ‘I’ was Nature’s minor contrivance
To tutor man for his soul’s deliverance.
When inner dawns arrive raining light
We see then plain the ego’s sleight.
The orbits of our parts grow unsure,
All turns a chaos of wrong measure.
A period of transition as a petty king gone,
So his little routine and pale convenience.
Our being flounders in this new ocean,
Struggles towards a shore to be taken.
For the old learnt laws are all crumbled
And their affiliate edifices have too tumbled.
Hard won is this blank new slate,
To inscribe a curve outstepping fate.
Be counselled by patience, in thy Master trust,
Of all in this firmament, He surely knows the best.