Dream Ocean
Published on July 16, 2020

Dream Ocean
Below the even waters of waking self,
A dream continent hides in plain sight,
Behind shut eyelids and senses’ doors,
Mind trapped retreats to dream zones;
Filled with shadow forms and shadow plots,
Mirroring the day in its grey fields,
With phantasms writhing to be born,
Lives in dungeons too coarse for light;
Deep haunting fears, raging precarious lusts,
Sharp anguish that never must be felt,
The poignant sob of forlorn hearts,
The need of limbs that felt not love’s touch,
Of mind that found not its thought’s kin.
All loss of the soul through ages harboured here.
On this pinhead of soul is mounted
This dream ocean dangerously poised;
In its self-wrapped folds held further dreams,
A recursive womb of living nightmares,
Each waking and brooding wakes again,
Like a recurring decimal of a waking integer.
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