

Published on July 15, 2020




O Bird, feathered-beauty, flying-spirit,
Such melody in thy voice, hope so bright,
Busy with twig and seed for thy nest,
Building eager for thy heart a shelter best.

Her I have seen, a tiny proud beauty,
All shimmering black and little haughty.
Thou art the hero of her birdly stories,
Her chirps must beautify all thy memories.

When the rains descend and all earth seeks
A shelter, a respite from the downpours,
Does she beside thee seek winged embrace,
Admit thee her beating heart to trace?

On moonless nights does she shudder,
In sleep alarmed by some dream danger?
Dost thou lend thy wing and wipe her fears,
Awake, watching over her worth all your tears?

O Bird, dost thou speak of daily deeds,
At dusk recount thy day’s long travels?
Does she in approval coo for thee brave,
For thee who would from all elements her save?

O Bird, spirit-miniature, winged-joy,
Revel upon wind and wide azure sky,
May thy flights be long, thy brood numerous,
Her spirit constant for thee marvellous.