Overture’s Rose

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #22

Published on May 24, 2021

Overture’s Rose

Overture’s Rose

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #22

Silver speech and deeds of bronze
I wrought for Thee in an hour’s beat,
Shining thoughts in feeling’s songs
I cast for Thee O my Infinite.

From the shy opal moon I drew
Into my heart’s chalice a wine,
I have sweetened it to an ardour true
Just for Thee O splendorous Divine.

I shall huddle by Thy feet
To scribe Thy silences for posterity,
Such cadences in them I meet
Flowing ever gently O Eternity.

My overture’s rose I carefully gather
And place it by Thy feet O Divine Sire!