I Have Ventured
Published on May 4, 2019

I Have Ventured
A Sonnet
Courtesy Priti Ghosh
I have ventured the mind’s maze endless
And cavorted in vital’s dim dungeon.
I have felt the physical’s obscure den,
And heard the subterranean rumble heedless.
I have tread the roads of meandering gnana,
Bhakti strummed my being’s chords.
I have strung each pang and woe as beads,
And jostled my way through tangles of karma.
I am made and remade, as if by an unsure Hand
Each touch serrates my being all over.
I am engulfed whole by this mystic power,
It compels my surrender in ways I don’t understand.
O Lord of my yoga, O Mother who maketh me,
My shallow abyss and paltry zenith I open to Thee.