Meditations — Blue Wonder

Published on December 27, 2018

Meditations — Blue Wonder

Meditations — Blue Wonder

A Poem

Courtesy Priti Ghosh

A nugget of bone on a bed of sinews.
Her force has lit up the nerves
And bone aglow by a transmuting flame. 
“Pain!”, cried the body in its silent cry
Mind and vital too joined this dirge. 
But one stood apart, gazing at this drama doom,
And unblinking, refused the consent to pain. 
From a superhuman height was cast an anchor
From viewless heights arrived the Word
Armed with an apparatus that weaves all anew;
And sat betwixt nerve and bone.
A blue wonder minuscule, a tiny Krishna at play
Now binds anew two contraries by his laughter.
Pain sulked and lingered for absent consent.
But adamant is the Boy, once clutched yields not ever.