Dredger of the Deep

Published on December 15, 2018

Dredger of the Deep

Dredger of the Deep

A Sonnet

Courtesy Priti Ghosh

I am the dredger of the interminable deep
By each lingering hour a new poison tryst to keep.
I grieve no more for a longed for past
Nor exult in dismay for each dark crown unearnt.

I have seen the dire web’s knotted ways 
Pouring a rivulet of malice in a single gaze.
I see now by a Titan eye of perpetual horror
Bewildered by sights of pervasive terror.

By each grim gesture I try to peel
The occult It hiding behind the veil.
My will is hobbled, all effort comes to naught 
By relentless attempts this battle is fought .

By each revision’s futility and appalling show
Is revealed the Master’s plan for me to know.