Squirrel Anthem

Published on January 3, 2018

Squirrel Anthem

Squirrel Anthem

By the shore of three roaring oceans
Are our squirrels of quirky motions.
Heard that day the silent forest murmur 
Grow to a din by the ocean’s restless clamour.

The earth now in rhythmic waves shook
Trembled the waters of every rippling brook.
At a distance saw a surge of simian life
Set on their purpose and stride to strife.

Black and brown and yellow hued
War-like monkeys arrive to a divine feud.
Leading from front, our radiant Sun
Like heaven hosts in tow to Vishnu, the One.

By humble borders of the marching hosts
The squirrels watched like lifeless ghosts.
Then rose one, furry tailed and a lit up mind
Resolved to aid by a single grain the God-kind.

The hurled mountains of Vayu’s son
Were matched by a grain of this little one.
Rama’s bridge is not just sand and stones
It’s of his name just as our flesh and bones.

By our being shall the bridge be made
The Mother brought back to earthly shade.
They shall rule us again the Divine Two
To their purpose we shall join too!