
A Poem

Published on October 30, 2017



A Poem

I find no sap or savour in these acts
That move in rhythm to Time’s pacts.
These become and pass with a trace
Leave an outline of minimal grace.

Awake to a sense of the spirit’s sight
I peer wide with my being in the night.
In vain I marshall my parts to focus
But see my surface self has no locus.

This offspring of time has had its day
By common gestures and careless play.
A dwarf within grows by hunger
Grows to Spirit and is its harbinger.

Our poignant cherished past now leaves
The crusted self by a Light dissolves.
The time-born now bears no name
Fortune and misery all the same.

My being is dug to a deep hollow
Awaiting His descent to follow.
Not known and secret is His script
Our future by our acts shall decrypt.

One Master, Transcendent and Divine
May all our being to Thee do incline.
Sire, Lord of Time and Golden Sun
To Thee we bow, the Peerless One.