A Sonnet
Published on October 5, 2017

A Sonnet
Every pebble on every shore
Not a stranger to us anymore.
In each line on a stranger’s face
We find clue of the Artist’s trace.
In each act of care we dwell
Unwinds a little of the lower spell.
A god-will hammers out a austere Tapas
Shepherds our being to a true compass.
We drop all pretence and knowing pride
We brook all lows and highs in our stride.
This our life and the method of His Yoga
To dwell in here and share in His Bhoga[1].
Thus our little march on roads of time
By an alchemist will shall turn sublime.
[1] Bhoga, the Enjoyer of the Delight of Existence. The Ānandamaya Purusha-Prakriti not only is self-existently All-Delight, but also manifests itself as the true and right Enjoyer of this Delight.