My Lamps
Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #56
Published on July 3, 2021

My Lamps
Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #56
Mine lamps are as fireflies of the night,
A little eager glimmer dwindling to sight
At the first peering of Thy resplendence
When on the horizon appears Thy dawns.
Oh grudge me not these little props,
Function as I must for life that calls,
In each query and thought there is need
For a little light as sun to the seed.
I shall swap my lights for Thy single sun
And hundred desires if by them Thou won,
Oh beset me not with Thy silence
For greedy time my share yet drains.
But now my lamps I shall shield for Thee
To light Thy roads to the soul of me.
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