A Prayer

A Poem

Published on October 5, 2017

A Prayer

A Prayer

A Poem

Foster us O Mother, nurture us true
Wean us from this narrow groove.

Too feeble our call, we need Thy Power
To fashion our cry to our high endeavour.
Woke our being and our members gaze
Holding course through this maze.

Our many fires alight do flicker now
Await Thy being and becomings in tow.
Compel Thy god-kind to visit us here
To build this vessel and steadily steer.

Send thy craftsmen the divine Ribhu
To Mould our being to see our Prabhu.
Urge the fiery Maruts to hurry
Course through our breath and not tarry.

Our hearts beat to a plodding rhythm
Thy sublime music can hardly fathom.
Our lips now refuse to savour
All taste that hasn’t earned Thy favour.

Our eyes take no delight from sight
Await Thy beauty apportioned right.
Our limbs dull acts do now eschew
Only gestures that kindle our fire anew.

Thus we beseech Thee Divine Mother
Drop us at His feet as a perfect flower.