
Poetic Re-telling of a Purānic Symbol Event

Published on October 4, 2017



Poetic Re-telling of a Purānic Symbol Event

This the game and the wager eternal
Body and Soul as seat for an Elixir immortal.
Arrayed the denizens of Day and Night
Divided by nature, united to a common fight.

From the first dawn these have come
Urging our soul for deeds wholesome.
We dream and think, stare and blink
An age of preparation preludes every wink

We churn and are churned relentlessly 
The dark heave lunges to an abyss pitilessly.
To a secret occult moon the tide does turn
Our parts align to the rays of a hidden Sun.

We are duped by the game and the outcome
For we lose every gain, hold all that is unwelcome.
What method is this we often wonder
To toil in a hellish day, by night torn asunder.

Atop this dark glory comes the crown
That would end our mission by poison.
No shining Deva dares to touch
Not even the reckless Asura approach.

Now the Mahadeva arrives to scoop
The poison and it’s effects to the last drop.
The dread Yagña now turns a road critical
By a hidden will proceeds our acts mystical.

Through this chaos and our tattered vestitude 
We glimpse the Shining-Cow of Plentitude.
Now our will seems not our own
Our merest need gains a divine sanction.

Then are lured all life and things of goodwill 
Rapid moves the Yagña with an uncommon thrill.
For within and above now firmly seated
Our Lord and Master, the Yagña nearly completed.

The distant Gods now near as kin
No fear of the Asura and his sin.
Now we see as in a magic mirror
The seed of Him planted everywhere.

Our life and acts now do shine
With godly ease, and no human stain.
Our life is now a prolonged worship
This churn a low price for His kinship.

This close of a long toil is yet not done
It’s but a skirmish of a larger battle to be won.
Yet our being marches through time in gratitude 
For now it’s near our Master and His infinitude.