The Mother’s Alchemy

Published on September 23, 2017

The Mother’s Alchemy

The Mother’s Alchemy

Her clear day and this limpid breeze
Marks this hour of my simple ease.
I looked within, behind and below
For an emblem of Her to possess and follow.

But my sight then turned without
To just breathe and see what’s about.
I then saw a tendril blade and its slender shadow
Lit by the blaze of a supernal Sun.

All glory of the worlds and men
Painted on earth a portrait of that little one.
She who unwraps space and paces time 
Pulses through nerve and season’s clime.

All by Her habitation do unerringly move 
To their goal and their selves to improve.
This I saw, as I mused with a brew 
Surrounded by Her and this kindred crew!