Above All
Published on December 14, 2020

Above All
Give me a heart stout and adamant,
Courage that walks the night unarmed,
That rues not all the choices made
In pursuit of Thee most distant.
Give me a mind deep, wide, supple;
That ranges the abyss and the heights,
To scout for all of heaven’s lights
For each Thy mystery to grapple.
Give me limbs like a titan reckless,
That tireless labours through opposition,
Without stint or fear of every negation
To prepare for Thee a ground spotless.
Give me unflinching will to alarm gods,
A sliver ray of Thy mystic sun golden,
To tremble the spheres and embolden
Matter to shatter inconscient’s knots.
Above all, give me many lidless eyes
A sweeping vision that sees to become
What it sees. All distance thus overcome
Between Thee and I for all coming ages.
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