Murmurs of Aspiration — 3

Published on April 21, 2017

Murmurs of Aspiration — 3

Murmurs of Aspiration — 3

Ask not pale monotonous virtue
Demand giant labour and anguish.
Toils I shall offer
That shouldst wreck the beings of men.

How shall thou know virtue if thou hast not known vice

How shalt thou know knowledge if thou hast not known ignorance
How shalt thou know humbleness if thou hast not known pride

How shalt thou know love if thou hast not known longing
How shalt thou know God if thou hast not known the Titan.

Shalt Thou seal the doors of felicity
Cast me to the abyss of despair,
Couched in the penal fires of solitude?

I am the strength of Faith
That rises like the Phoenix
From the ashes of Despair

(Picture Courtesy: Priti Ghosh)