Redeeming Nod

Published on November 16, 2023

Redeeming Nod

Redeeming Nod

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works #81

I have sailed the choppy hours relentless,
My old oar and keel grating and groaning
Through lashing welter of stormy fates
For Thy bright shore over lives searching.

I have trudged endless deserted hours,
Breathed the hope bereft air burning
Mind and heart to mere ash and embers,
Bitter travails supped I Thy name remembering.

I have climbed the steep demanding hours,
Exacting their fee of labours unrelenting,
The crag and crevice extract their dues
And yet the peak pursued I for Thee aspiring.

What becomings must I yet essay for Thee,
For Thy redeeming nod, O Dweller in the heart of me?