All The Parts

Published on February 18, 2023

All The Parts

All The Parts

Poem — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works #45


What is a shepherd without a lute,
Counting kine on lonely pastures,
Warding boredom and wolves
For bread and coin, a contract kept.

What is a poet without a muse,
A bookkeeper for vanities of men,
Courting dye and parchment and pen,
Tracing his name on the dust of tomes.

What is a warrior without a cause,
A squabbler with dagger and sword,
A ruffian by a tyrant’s hunger hired 
Until is rusted his steel and bones.

What is a lover without a beloved,
A panderer to the gust of desire,
Of gory lusts the soiled reaper,
A bondslave to impulses blind.

In all the parts I have donned for Thee,
Thy presence denied I have donned vainly.