What Can I Ever Give

Published on July 24, 2022

What Can I Ever Give

What Can I Ever Give

Poem — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works #31

What is mine from here to give,
For all is Thine, the inanimate and alive,
And the bright coin and high nobility 
Only by Thy name any shine carry,
All deeds, the high and the base
Come unto being only by Thy force,
So too every hymn and every ode
That erupts alive from Thy musing mood,
So, what can I ever give to Thee,
Thou who art all and even me!

But hear, one thing I alone can dare,
To bring all my mire to Thee in an absolute surrender!

Oh, even more for Thee I can do,
To steal this Thy wandering world and bring it back to you!