I Am All

Published on July 16, 2022

I Am All

I Am All

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works #25

Photo by Mike Lewinski on Unsplash

I am all the fireflies of the world
That with a spark scour in eager pursuit
Of Thee who is blazing beheld
Beyond the reach of wings inapt.

I am all the songbirds of the world
That with lovestruck feathery breasts
Sing for Thee from grove and wood
The lore of love in odes and hymns.

I am all the beasts of the world
That with rampant vehemence slay
To seek in entrails and warm blood
Thy omniscience in an inexplicable play.

I am all that seeks and sings and slays,
Meet Thou me in all these million ways.