Long Ago

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works #22

Published on July 13, 2022

Long Ago

Long Ago

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works #22

Long ago in my naïveté I had fondly dreamed
Of mine mind all illumined birthing scriptures new,
The mind-gods I would have in ceremony gathered
And conducted a chorus of hymns just for you.

The life gods I would have by force marshalled,
Bid them scour all forests for birds and beasts,
A quaint ritual would have then ensued
When all life bowed to Thee without exceptions.

I dreamed of matter growing bright and pliant,
The hills would be flame-bearers in Thy temple,
The mountains shall turn a palanquin apt
And bear Thee upon it to the sanctum’s pedestal.

But now I stand all paupered in reality,
Now but remains my penury to offer Thee.[1]

[1] By Thy whim was dream, by it this bleak reality,
’Cause Thou owest me Thyself I shall yet pursue Thee.