Forever Paramour

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works #11

Published on July 2, 2022

Forever Paramour

Forever Paramour

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works #11

Oh, did I spurn Thee in some cycles unremembered
When in the flush of fortune’s climes prideful
Turned away my flower-face leaving chastened
Thy tired bee-wings hungry for nectar’s mouthful?

Oh, did I spurn Thee in some season of good
When by animal-mind and by instinct swept
I galloped through spaces with strength rude
And paused not for Thy call like a brute?

Oh, did I spurn Thee in some age of faux gold,
Blinded by gilded speech of fork-tongued men
With counsels vapoury that kept me blind
And I could intuit not Thy celestial mien?

O Thou, O forever Paramour,
I have adored Thee as man and animal and flower.