Mutual Justice

Sonnet — An Invocation To The Master #377

Published on June 9, 2022

Mutual Justice

Mutual Justice

Sonnet — An Invocation To The Master #377

Does it not sate the forever day by its excess illumination
Dulling the rapture like a crest that holds ever same height,
Does it not cloy the celestial wine of unebbing inebriation 
Drunk amidst denizens undying and forever bright?

Oh descend to our humble lair with calamities unending,
Thy unbound mind partake the pleasures a realm unreliable,
Where every lever conspires to fail, every gesture deceiving,
Here always is ignorance’s spectacular festival of betrayal!

Oh come to the utter peace of our uncompanioned lair,
Partake the silence of hearts long dead and minds stupefied,
Sup with us sustenance cold untainted by love’s fervour,
In our futile austerity and barren neglect be with us united.

In the heights Thou art unknown, as in depths we are alone, 
Perchance by our union a mutual justice can be won?