Dream Twilight
Sonnet — An Invocation To The Master #368
Published on May 30, 2022

Dream Twilight
Sonnet — An Invocation To The Master #368
Into a dream twilight I slipped and fell
Seated on an edge of awareness,
How long I wandered therein I can’t tell
For abruptly I came back to senses.
A little of that grey I brought with me
And now it veils my common sight,
Slowly it sinks leaving me uneasy,
Now body shares this burden of night.
By dint of will I battle that infernal mood
Like a warrior blinded in the thick of war,
My arms must flail in this air so crude
For deeds wrought from stark despair.
In the thick of this twilight we remember Thee
In our soul, heart, mind and body.
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