Cycle Of Spring

Sonnet — An Invocation To The Master #355

Published on May 12, 2022

Cycle Of Spring

Cycle Of Spring

Sonnet — An Invocation To The Master #355

My soul is as a songbird caged
In the confines of these framed events,
In a bodily prison is it entrapped
And sings of its wingéd dreams.

In a twilight corner is propped the stage
Of its poor part with lines all dull,
A blind-deaf audience it must engage,
Repeat the charade of a lifeless spectacle.

Yet my song through bars of sense
Must wing and find Thy feet’s altar,
I offer Thee this broken melody’s notes
Like wrinkled hands offer a haggard flower.

To Thee I have offered my seasons of song,
Spare for my soul one full cycle of spring.